What Finding Dory Character Are You?
What Finding Dory Character Are You?
This 10 question quiz will decide what character from Finding Dory you are! Ready to find out?
This 10 question quiz will decide what character from Finding Dory you are! Ready to find out?

Do you forget things easily?
Do you like school?
Do you obey and respect rules?
Do you want everything to go your way?
(Be honest or things will get messed up.)
Are you a good friend?
Do you like teachers? Or do you want to become a fun teacher?
Can you pronounce words right?
Have you ever remembered something from when you were a little kid?
Do you have a job? (Parenting doesn't count)
Are you a parent?
You're Dory! You forget things easily, but you have fun all the time! You don't worry about the "what if"s and just enjoy your time until it lasts.
You're Nemo! You love going to school and you enjoy your time there too! You have lots of friends and hang out with them while you can. You are respectful of your father and mother and love to hang out with them as a family.
You're Marlin! You respect and obey the rules and are very mature. Even though you are very mature for your age, you still love to have fun. (Without getting in trouble.)
Mr. Ray
Mr. Ray
You're Mr. Ray! You want to become a very fun teacher when you grow up and love to hangout with kids all the time. With kids, you let out your inner child and beauty.
You're Destiny! You love to help your best friends if they need you. You're always there for your friends and family when they need a shoulder to cry on. You're an amazing friend and family member that everyone wants to have.
You're Hank! You want everything to go your way. If you want something, you get it. Sometimes you earn the things you want, but most of the time you whine and you don't deserve it.