What type of severe weather risk are you?

These are for the weather fanatics out there. You can find out what kind of risk you are, no severe risk (Very Low), marginal risk (Low), slight risk (Medium), enhanced risk (Highend Medium), moderate risk (Moderate), and high risk (Severe/High). This all fantasy (obviously) so don't take your end result too harsh. Here is a simple 10 question quiz!

Created by zachthetwister (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 19, 2016

What do you feel you are as a weather risk?

If you were to rate how much you love weather, what would you rate it from 0-5?

How many tornadoes have you seen in real life?

If you had to be a watch/warning/statement, what one would you be?

If you had to be a type of supercell, what kind would you be?

If you wanted to be a certain level of tornado (rating/rank of tornado), which one would you be? (No there is no such thing is a EF6 :P, obviously...)

Here is a legit question, which state has the most tornadoes since 1950(I will list the top 5, courtesy of NOAA FYI)?

Question: Which continents have the most tornadoes (except USA, Canada are themselves since I have already done pretty much USA)?

A hard (yet last) question, was EF6 added in the older fujita scale?

Last part of the quiz, do you feel you are a slight+ risk?

No severe storms risk

No severe storms risk

You are a no severe storm risk, or a very low rating. You produce no to rare/occasional thunderstorms. You never produce anything severe of any types (tornadoes, damaging wind(s), hail). You are the weakest of them all.

Marginal risk

Marginal risk

You are a marginal risk, or a low rating. You produce occasional thunderstorms and at rare times severe storms. You have a no to low risk of tornadoes, hail, or damaging winds. You are the normal-est risk of them all.

Slight risk

Slight risk

You are a slight risk, or a medium rank(ing). You can have occasional to scattered severe storms. You can have possibilities of tornadoes, hail, and/or damaging winds. You are one of the unpredictable risks!

Enhanced risk

Enhanced risk

You are an enhanced risk, or a highend medium rank. You can have scattered or rare (occasional) widespread severe storms. You can have lowend high possibilities of tornadoes, hail, and damaging winds. You are almost one of the rarest risks out there.

Moderate risk

Moderate risk

You are a moderate risk, or a moderate rank. You can have occasional widespread severe thunderstorms. You can have high possibilities of tornadoes, hail, and damaging winds. At times you can have 2+" hail and possible EF2+ tornadoes. You are the 2nd most rarest risk out there!

High risk

High risk

Rarest and highest of them all! You are a high risk, or a severe/high rank! You can have widespread severe thunderstorms. You can have severely high tornado, hail, and damaging wind threats. At times (most times), you produce 2+" hail and EF2+ tornadoes. You are the most destructive of them all!

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