Which Female Character Are You From 'The Breakfast Club'?
Which Female Character Are You From 'The Breakfast Club'?
Which character from this classic best suits your personality type? Want to know? Click the 'play' button to find out...
Which character from this classic best suits your personality type? Want to know? Click the 'play' button to find out...

Who would you rather be? Princess or Rebel?
What is your favorite color?
Who would you rather have as your boyfriend from 'The Breakfast Club'?
Sweet or Sour?
Choose an outfit...
Introvert or Extrovert
Your teacher asks the class a question, are you the first to put your hand up?
Would you rather... have a neat or messy bob haircut?
Do you socialise?
Which high school stereotype best describes you?
Would you ever... wear tights with holes in?
Will you ever fall in love?
You got Molly!
You got Molly!
You are popular, pretty and have an attitude! Although in many ways you are immature, you strive to be a big girl. You can be shallow and self-centered at times but we all have sympathy for you as it seems like you are trapped in your life as the 'popular kid'.
You got Ally!
You got Ally!
Although sometimes you may lack in confidence, seem unkempt and let's not forget your tenancy to lie, underneath all that you are a kindred spirit, humorous and kind!