What Star Wars Species Are You?
What Star Wars Species Are You?
Luv Star Wars?! Wonder what species you are? Take this quiz to find out.
Luv Star Wars?! Wonder what species you are? Take this quiz to find out.
Where would you want to live?
What is your lightsaber color?
Which lightsaber hilt?
Any special features?
If you were not a jedi, which job?
Which vehicle?
Brains or Brawns?
Congrats, you are a human! I know this may be disappointing, because you are already a human(or not), but in the star wars universe they are much better.
Congrats, you are a Nautolan! Nautolans are a peaceful race, and very force sensitive, but can also breath underwater. A famous jedi of this species is Kit Fisto. The most common Nautolan lightsaber color is blue.
Kel Dorian.
Kel Dorian.
Congrats, you are a Kel Dorian! They are very acrobatic, intellectually superior to many other species, and are great pilots. Their home plant has a very light atmosphere, so on other planets they must wear a mask. A famous Kel Dorian is Plo Koon. Their most common lightsaber color is orange.
Congrats, you are an Ithorian! Ithorians are very calm and placid creatures, even philosophers, but when angry they will fight. Most Ithorian jedi have blue lightsabers.
Congrats, you are a Duros! Duros are very good trackers and are also great pilots. They have great physical strength and their most common lightsaber color is the rare yellow.
Congrats, you are a Gran! Gran are very force sensitive creatures, but can be hotheads. Their three eyes allow them to see more colors than any other creatures in the Star Wars Universe, tell other's emotions, and see from the perspective of a thermal scope.
Congrats, you are a Wookiee! Wookiees are very calm and respecting of nature(which makes them very force sensitive.), but will tear you apart if mad. The most common lightsaber color for Wookiees is green.
Congrats, you are a Rodian! Rodians look a bit odd, but are skilled marksman and great musicians. Two famous Rodians are Greedo and Jakoli. Their most common lightsaber color is green.