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What Disney Character Portrays your Style

Do you think you Act like a Disney character? Or even are one! Take this short quiz to find out!

Created by zebragymnast123 (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Sep 21, 2016

Are you evil or a good doer?

Where do you see yourself in the future?

Where would your character live?

How do you describe your attitude?

Do people wait at you hand and foot or do you have to do the dirty work?

Do you like animals?

What type of weather is your favorite?

Do your friends/family like you?

You are Peter Pan

You are Peter Pan

You love being free and helping others. It's your job to make sure everyone is happy but at the same time you have to be happy too! You love being outside with your friends and exploring new places! Thats why you are Peter Pan

You are Kerchak

You are Kerchak

Though you have a mild temper you will do whatever it takes to protect your family from danger... even if that means stopping the fun. Even though you are tough skinned everyone loves you in the end for your modesty and bravery

You are Cruella DeVille

You are Cruella DeVille

You love animals (especially dogs) yet you can't stand the fact of anyone taking them from you. You are pure EVIL and will do anything to get what you want! But... no one is willing to help or assist you this is all you.

You are Snow White

You are Snow White

No one can rain on your parade! You are happy, sweet and kind. You love animals and they love you right back! You are always positive even when someone trys to kill you. You love helping others yet keep yourself away and content. Your friends love to help you yet sometimes it's all on your plate. Everyone loves you and in rain or shine you make them smile!

You are the Evil Queen

You are the Evil Queen

You love being the best at everything! If someone is better than you they just might not wake up again tomorrow. You are willing to do anything to get your way and get others to like you. You love living away from your friends and closer to your enemies! you are very cruel and you hate everyone because they all have something you don't. You aren't a huge fan of animals but when needed you turn into one.

You are Anna

You are Anna

You are Anna! You are free spirited and love being around your friends and family (even when they don't wanna be around you!). You are kind and caring to all people, animals and creatures! You don't care about the weather but you personally prefer the cold for obvious reasons. Even when others don't believe in you you still do your best to help them! Though you live in a big castle your life seems small and put away. People are always willing to help you though.

You are Tiana

You are Tiana

You are very optimistic! You want to do things your own way and make your own path for life. Throughout your life you make new friends you'd never think you'd even talk to! You are kind and good and willing to help when asked. Though you live in a place that many people have never been to or heard of you are well known. Even when your upset, jealous, or unhappy your kindness still shows.



You are cruel, mean and a hater. You will do anything to get your way but everyone believes you and does the work for you. You shouldn't see much future for all you've done. You are jealous of your friends or family most of the time and are easily picked on. You hate all weather and would rather stay away from nature. Lets just say... sorry we're not friends!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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