Which Edward Scissorhand's character are you?
Which Edward Scissorhand's character are you?
Have you ever wondered which character you are from the Tim Burton's film Edward Scissorhands? Well let's find out!
Have you ever wondered which character you are from the Tim Burton's film Edward Scissorhands? Well let's find out!

If you're friend were blamed for robbing a house would you take the blame?
What does love look like to you?
How sociable are you?
What's your favorite book to read?
You are Edward!
You are Edward!
Good job! You got Edward! You are the geek of the crowd/clique. You are lonely though you don't want to be and have a hard time fitting in. You have a unique personality and have passions that help others even though others don't think it's helpful.
You are Kim!
You are Kim!
Congratulations, you are Kim! You have no problem or even a choice of fitting in, it's just in your nature. You are the princess/prince and the adornment of your group. You do find yourself wanting something more than just popularity...
You are Jim!
You are Jim!
Congrats... You are Jim! You're the bully of the group and generally get what you want. You typically don't sell yourself out and will let others take the blame.