Are you a tomboy or girly girl quiz
Are you a tomboy or girly girl quiz
first quiz please send feedback if u can thx<3
first quiz please send feedback if u can thx<3

im sorry dont hurt me.... whats your fav color?
after school what do you usually do?
what do you consider yourself to be? girly or tomboy?
you are invited to a party but your basket ball game is that night. what do you do?
what genre would you most likley watch?
(personally id pick anime...)
what music do you listen to?
do you use makeup?
do you play sports?
im sorry if this is a bad quiz...... do u forgive me?
how old are you?
one last question.... do you know what this gif is from?
you are a girly girl!
you are a girly girl!
you like all things cute and pretty and im really bad at this sorry bah bye
you are a tomboy!
you are a tomboy!
you like some cute things but you are a tomboy at heart. with your hoodies and sports, you dont care much for makeup lol me neither
you are a mix!
you are a mix!
hey! so am i! you sometimes where makeup and skirts but the other times you like your hoodies and shorts. cool cool
you like video games
you like video games
either you were joking with me or you just reeeeaally like video games.... lol