What WWE Wrestler Are You?
What WWE Wrestler Are You?
In this quiz you will learn truly who you really are.
In this quiz you will learn truly who you really are.

Are you a Girl or a Boy?
What is your favorite color?
What are you most likely?
Who is your favorite tag team?
Who is your favorite superstar?
Who do you want?
Becky Lynch
Becky Lynch
You are always fired up and ready to fight. You never back down and you never have to jump back up because you always stay at the top. You have great energetic abilities and
are always happy with what you already have.
Dean Ambrose
Dean Ambrose
You are a crazed lunatic who doesn't care about health or wellbeing and will never back down from a fight. You also live in your own Asylum and you constantly tease AJ styles for being a soccer mom.
Sasha Banks
Sasha Banks
You are Snoop Dogg's cousin and always come out of the locker room wearing some type of gold and you never bother to dye your eyebrows pink because you are a fake redhead.
Big E
Big E
You are massive and huge and almost never lose a fight. You love eating booty-Os and you can always rely on Xavier Woods and Kofi for a life with a beautiful ending, then eating booty-os in heaven
You are a confident young woman who is blessed with the ability to wrestle like most others in the wwe. You brag a lot and think you are the queen of wrestling.
Roman Reigns
Roman Reigns
You are not a very talkative guy, yet you like to tease Dean Ambrose about his old hairstyle. You are a 2 time wwe champion and will do anything to have the championship back.
Brie Bella or Nikki Bella
Brie Bella or Nikki Bella
Either way you are fearless and skilled in every single way you never back down yet you rely on each other for life. You can beat anyone who come in your way.
Dwayne Johnson/ The Rock
Dwayne Johnson/ The Rock
You have been a wwe world champion 10 times and continue to make history in hundreds of movies. You are one of the most famous wrestlers of your time.