Can You Pass This Weirdly Difficult Riverdale Trivia Quiz?
Can You Pass This Weirdly Difficult Riverdale Trivia Quiz?
Are you up to date with all the latest on Riverdale? This quiz will be your true test!
Are you up to date with all the latest on Riverdale? This quiz will be your true test!
What is Toni's last name?
What is Kevin Keller's first line in the series?
Which two families are related by blood?
Who comes into Jason's room after his memorial?
Where is Jughead when he says the iconic, "I'm weird, I'm a weirdo" quote?
Who is currently leading the Serpents?
What is Jughead's sister's nickname?
Which episode is the Red Circle formed?
What date did Jason Blossom die?
What did Penny say was in the crate?
What was written on Betty's locker?
Who shot Fangs?
Who owns Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe?
When Nana Rose called Toni to tell her where Cheryl was, who unplugged the phone?
What song were Cheryl and Toni meant to sing in the deleted scene that got cut but released shortly after?