What Do You Look For Most In A Partner?
What Do You Look For Most In A Partner?
What is the number one thing you look for in a romantic partner? Take this quiz to find out!
What is the number one thing you look for in a romantic partner? Take this quiz to find out!

Which TV couple do you relate to the most?
What is your ideal date food?
Choose a hat for your date to wear:
What would you like your date's hidden talent to be?
What is your biggest deal breaker?
Which movie would you watch with your date?
Choose your ideal boyfriend:
You look for...Sense of Humour!
You look for...Sense of Humour!
You want your date to have a good sense of humour because well, either you're hella funny and you want them to be able to keep up. Or you want someone who will be able to roll with the punches in life. Someone who will be able to laugh through the good and the bad.
You look for...Stability!
You look for...Stability!
You lead a pretty hectic, wild and crazy lifestyle so you look for someone who has the stability to be able to support your crazy whims. Your partner needs to be level-headed and logical to match your sometimes illogical lifestyle. It's the ying and the yang, baby!
You look for...Adventure!
You look for...Adventure!
You like your partner to push you out of your comfort zone and be able to take you on whirlwind adventures. Whether it's rock climbing, sky diving or improv classes, your partner is all up for it! How exciting!
You look for...A Kind Hearted Nature!
You look for...A Kind Hearted Nature!
You are a very sentimental, emotional person so you need your partner to be the same. You look for someone who cares about animals, people, life in general! Love is very important to you and you look for someone who understands that. And if they do charity work, hey, that's a plus!