What Is Your Animal Totem?
What Is Your Animal Totem?
Every one has an animal totem! What's yours?
Every one has an animal totem! What's yours?

Choose a crystal:
Choose a colour:
What is missing from your life?
What is your greatest strength?
Which element resonates with you right now?
Choose another crystal:
Choose an activity:
Which animal do you think is your animal totem?
Your animal totem is a...Moose!
Your animal totem is a...Moose!
The moose is noble, courageous and adaptable. You may be going through a turbulent time, or maybe you're just needing to slow down. The moose reminds you that it's okay to be solitary and tranquility often comes in those moments when one is alone. Moose energy can inspire persistence and vision. The moose also provides protection in times of need.
Your animal totem is a...Fox!
Your animal totem is a...Fox!
The fox is cunning, perceptive and focused! Having the fox as your totem means you're at a turning point in your life. You may have been doing things a certain way and the fox is here to help you try a different perspective. Fox will also help you become mindful and aware of your surroundings and use them to your advantage.
Your animal totem is an...Otter!
Your animal totem is an...Otter!
The otter is curious, playful and creative! You may be going through a major life transition, well the otter has your back! An otter can transition easily from water to land, so it can help you in your transition too! You may be feeling over stressed and worried about future events, the otter is here to inspire play and fun!
Your animal totem is a...Butterfly!
Your animal totem is a...Butterfly!
The butterfly represents grace, growth and vulnerability. When going through a big change in life, the butterfly may appear as your totem to facilitate this change. The butterfly reminds you to accept change a natural part of life and to keep the faith during this time. Those with a butterfly totem often have a "can-do" attitude and want to be the best they can be.