What Kind of Parent Will You Be?
What Kind of Parent Will You Be?
Ever wonder what kind of parent you'll be to your future kids? Take this quiz to find out!
Ever wonder what kind of parent you'll be to your future kids? Take this quiz to find out!

Choose a breakfast to serve your kid:
Choose a toy to give your kid:
Choose a kids tv show:
Choose a school to send your kids to:
Choose an extra curricular activity to enrol your kids in:
Where would you go on a family vacation?
What career would you want your child to have:
What is your general opinion on kids?
You will be a....Helicopter Parent!
You will be a....Helicopter Parent!
Helicopter parents are notorious for monitoring their kids while at school and other parts of their lives. It's not that their crazy, it's well..they might be crazy. But you know it's coming from love, and love makes you do crazy things sometimes!
You will be a...Chill Parent!
You will be a...Chill Parent!
Spaghetti for breakfast? Why not! Pancakes for dinner? You only live once! It's not that you don't care, it's that you believe in your child's ability to be their own person, and make their own decisions. Maybe you had strict parents growing up, so you'd do anything to not put your kids through that again. Your kids will most likely grow into passionate, creative adults, though they may need some guidance when it comes to practical things in life.
You will be a...BFF Parent!
You will be a...BFF Parent!
You can't even dream of disciplining your future child. You'd rather be BFF's with your kids. You stay up late and watch movies, talk about boys, and do each other's hair. You'll have a bond where your kids are comfortable around you and can tell you anything. Except when it comes time for some discipline, your kid may have the upper hand. A little bit of balance may be necessary!
You will be a...Boss Parent!
You will be a...Boss Parent!
This kind of parent can be seen as "bossy," but really it's only cause they care so deeply about their kids. Boss parents use direct language and will be more likely to "control" their kids than to let them do whatever they want. Discipline is rare these days and you will be the master of it! You kids will most likely turn out very polite, respectful and career driven. Nice!