What Kind of Military Organization Do You Think Like?
What Kind of Military Organization Do You Think Like?
This quiz is set to determine what kind of military like mentality do you possess and whether or not you are deadly or not.
This quiz is set to determine what kind of military like mentality do you possess and whether or not you are deadly or not.

In any operation, what class of weaponry do you prefer?
When entering an area covered in darkness you...
Most military operations would be...
Enemy units are currently positioned in a small compound, how do you remove them?
When under heavy concentrated fire, you...
Why do you fight?
During a coup d'état, who would you be fighting for?
When you are nearly out of supplies, you...
When you have worn out all of your options, you would rely on...
When the fighting and all is done, are you proud of what you have done?
Militias are commonly seen throughout the world, and are still prevailing to this day. Militia men often work well in groups or teams and carry more weight and knowledge of combat than certain other groups. They are technologically set back from that of most modern militaries and are not perfectly coordinated, but they are excellent for sabotage and guerilla warfare.
Radical Extremist
Radical Extremist
One of the poorest military mentalities is the extremist, relying solely or mostly on faith, these men act as the perfect cannon fodder unit, and are constantly shot down by those more experienced or above them. Technologically and strategically poor, they remain a constant threat to those unsuspecting and unprepared, otherwise extremists are easily fought.
Well paid and well trained, you are a mentally driven to be the most efficient that you can. Surpassing even some national militaries, professional soldiers and hired guns remain to be one of the most deadly forces to be reckoned with. Sicario, hitmen, hired guns, each to their own are deadly. Technologically capable and strategically enhanced, these men remain logical and effective within combat, typically quick to diffuse a situation.
Well trained and ready for action, your mentality thinks and acts like that of a well disciplined soldier. Able bodied and minded, these men fight with teamwork and efficiency being their most cherished attributes. Technologically and strategically competent, soldiers are the grit of the forces, but remain true to their armies and leaders, even to the end.
Ethnic Cleanser
Ethnic Cleanser
Tasked with some of the most soul wrenching work, ethnic cleansers act as the backbone of most political or religiously based militaries. Trained in the tactics of home and facility breaching, they are the most terrifying fighters, due to their close quarters and efficient combat style. Flamethrowers, shotguns, and nerve gas are some of their many components, allowing them to be dangerous. Technologically varying and strategically inclined, they are not front-line fighters, usually, but are definitely deadly.
Leaders of the fight, these men act as the power behind the muscles that push into an enemy. While many commanders see action, some remain behind the lines giving commands to their many units. Essential to any campaign or military based effort, these men are strategically the most talented, and technologically advanced compared to other military types. While some do not see direct action, this does not discount their importance in any fight.