Which My Little Pony Race are You?

(Requested) This is a quiz to determine how similarly you think to one of the many races and breeds from the television show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. This quiz will be based off of the main featured races/breeds and will not include any of the mythical animals.

Created by Unusualmarkers (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 27, 2018

Are you outgoing?

Do you enjoy a life of luxury?

How militaristic are you?

What is the most important thing in life?

Are you always easily annoyed?

Which of these interests you most?

Is your society a Matriarchy or a Patriarchy?

How well do you trust people?

Are you well mannered?

What regions do you thrive in?

What kind of clothing do you find appealing?

What is your greatest sin?

What is a skill you desire?

Which banner do you like?

What sex are you?

Earth Pony

Earth Pony

Your personality matches that of the Earth Ponies. Earth ponies are described as the most basic breed of pony in the Equestrian world. They possess no magic and cannot fly but are very strong and attuned to harsher lifestyles and conditions compared to that of other pony breeds. They possess a strong faithfulness to that of their family and friends and are detailed as the raw strength that powered Pre-Equestria forward for many years. They continue to act as manual labor for most of Equestria's economy and working world as farmers, quarry workers, and industrial laborers. Many of these workers are carrying on the familial traditions their families held for hundreds of years at a time and very rarely stray away from their devotion.



Your personality matches that of the Pegasi. Pegasi are described as Equestria's most active and militaristic breed of pony and are the most competitive of all the breeds within and throughout Equestria. Possessing the capabilities of flight and rapid thought. They are most notable for hosting and maintaining Equestria's most notable military force (and only peacetime active duty) the Wonderbolts. The Pegasi culture is primarily based around militarism and active competition, making them extremely focused fliers and fighters. They can oftentimes be mistaken and fooled by jumping to conclusions too often and are also noted for being Equestria's most aggressive breed of pony.



Your personality matches that of the unicorn breed of Equestria. The unicorns are Equestria's most notable and powerful breed of pony. Being the most successful and acting as the most prestigious, unicorns are notable for their practice in the arts and skilled labor including trade skills and politics. Equestria's capital city, Canterlot, is located in a centralized hub that was founded and modernized by unicorns and continues to be the most active location for magic and the arts. Aside from being prestigious they are also responsible for the majority of supernatural wonders in Equestria and known for being the wealthiest of all the breeds in Equestria. With this glory and fame, quite a few unicorns can be seen as egotistical or arrogant in the face of other ponies. Unicorns can also be blamed for causing many supernatural disasters as well, due to their unrestricted power, making them the most unique breed of pony.



Your personality matches that of the Alicorn breed of Equestria. The Alicorns are the most notable and rare breed of all of Equestria due to their hybrid appearance and supernatural capabilities. Able to control the natural domains of the Earth and other celestial bodies, Alicorns are a vital and central figure in the political, social, and economic world of Equestria. Unlike the other noted breeds of Equestria, the Alicorns are shown to be god-like in complex and highly devoted to maintaining balance throughout the Equestrian world. Seen as benevolent and always eager to learn and experience, ponies look to them for guidance and leadership when the time comes. These are the rarest form of pony in the Equestrian world with only 5 Alicorns being noted in all of Equestria and its current history. Alicorns are the most emphasized breed of pony in Equestria and appear to be able to live beyond that of a natural life cycle, living beyond ages of 1000 years or older, and also appear to be prone to exercise extreme magic in times of devastation or weakness.



Your personality matches that of the race of Yaks. Yaks are a primarily isolated and remote race of empires from outside of Equestria. Noted for their basic grammatical usage and violent tempers the Yaks of Yakistan are primarily focused on warrior based traditions and brute strength as key features of their society. Based around a monarchy, they appear to endorse militarism and exercise excessive brutality in any situation. While these are key factors, many of them can be deemed as simple-minded and easily fooled, due to their isolation and lack of focus on anything beyond that of militarism and tribalism. Easily aggravated or annoyed, they are willing to deem anything as an obstacle and will stand to decimate it with their brute force and raw power.

Diamond Dog

Diamond Dog

Your personality matches that of the Diamond Dogs. The Diamond dogs are an underground race of dog that appears to reside in the mountainous and flatland regions of Equestria away from that of major civilization. Diamond dogs appear to also be a somewhat raider faction as they constantly pillage for supplies and slaves in their vast and expansive mining operations. Much like raiders, they suffer from a lack of genuine production, and appear to have no specific leader or powerful figure. They are strong and agile, able to jump and dodge through dug in holes in the earth. However, they lack any form of governance and are easily confused, making them easily aggravated and aggressive when proposed with a mental challenge. They also appear to lack any sort of hygiene and can be characterized by bad mannerisms and unruly behavior.



Your personality matches that of the Changelings. The Changelings are a unique and amphibious race of quadrupedal-insectoid creatures that consist of a hive mind and central figure. Constantly moving and changing locations, the Changelings can be seen as the epitome of a collectivistic society, being able to assume the role of any position said society needs to survive. Ruled by one queen the rest of the society works to appease and carry out the queen's orders and summons. Able to change physical appearance and physical stature, they are the most dangerous race to be reckoned with as they are masters of infiltration and deceit. However, they suffer from a lack of love and must constantly search for a source of love to continue to grow and prosper. This can easily set them back if they lose the resources to grow and will be devastated unless they find a continual source of love.



Your personality matches the Griffons. The Griffons are a separate race that exists in the mountainous regions outside of Equestria. This race and its people is primarily known for being isolated and maintaining very little outside contact. While founded on faith and friendship, the citizens of the Griffon nation quickly dilapidated into a selfish and distrusting state when the Griffons lost their pride, along with their sacred goblet, causing disinterest and hatred to run rampant through the Griffon nation. While this does not summarize who the Griffons are, this manages to assemble most of their lives and how they practice business, politics, and international relations. Being aggressive or apathetic, they are emotionally isolated from others and very rarely demonstrate interest or curiosity in others, unless there is something to gain. Taking everyone's word with a grain of salt, they are commonly known for being easily alienated and quick to show disdain or hatred to something or someone. They possess the capability to fly and are predatory by nature - allowing for them to be competitive and semi-militaristic.

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On Nov 18, 2021