10 Reasons to live in Greece

The economy is lower than ever, the citizens are afraid to lose their entire savings and the Eurozone is threatening to expel Greece from the union. Still, this beautiful country has so much to offer that doesn't have to do with corruption and bad economic choices!

Zooey Fran
Created by Zooey Fran
On Jun 2, 2017

The Islands

In which other country can you find 40 amazingly beautiful islands? The blue water of The Mediterranean Sea, combined with special architecture and luxury hotels - just pick an island and you'll be peaceful forever.


The History

Walking around the streets of Greece is like living in a history book. Even if you are not history geeks, you'll gonna love the old sites of Greece.



The greek capital is one of the most important cities in Europe. Well, if Socrates, Plato and Aristotle chose it as their home town - who are we to argue?


The Olympus

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The highest mountain in Greece is also the home of the Twelve Olympians. So it's like the chillin' place for gods, basically.


The Cuisine

Oh, god, the greek food. So much more than a greek salad. Moussaka, Tzatziki, Souvlaki and so much more traditional dishes. We just started Drooling.


The Music

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Did you know that the word "music" came from the greek word, "mousike", which means "art of the Muses"? So the greeks basically invented music. Now you must give the Greek songs and melodies a chance.


The Ouzo

The best way to get drunk.


This Scene:

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After you drank to many glasses of Ouzo...


The Taverns

Every kind-of-a-greek restaurant around the world called itself a tavern. But there is nothing like the real deal.



Just imagine the feeling of the wind in your hair while you are surfing in The Mediterranean Sea.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021